Our new video series “What In the FR??” covers the wacky ways workers try to solve their FR problems. The problem is, not every solution is safe. Here’s why DEET made the list.
Some wearers end up spraying their FR garments with insect repellant for relief. However, bug spray contains a highly flammable chemical known as DEET, which is a major DON’T for FR because it compromises the protection PPE provides.
In the case of a thermal event, FR coated with DEET can not only ignite, but continue to burn since the chemical is also an accelerant that helps flames spread quickly. So, even though insect repellants may repel bugs, they are fire hazards. There are better ways to stay compliant and bug-free. Consider investing in FR garments with bug-repellant properties built into the fabric. Our line of Insect Shield® garments do not affect arc ratings and retain protection after up to 50 washes. Wearers can work compliantly with FR that lets them enjoy the fresh air without the pests!